Custom AQ Hex for sale!

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Custom AQ Hex for sale!

Postby qalid » Thu May 10, 2018 12:11 pm

Hello everyone

As mentioned I'm selling of most AQ items and that includes 2 Hex builds with original AQ project parts, this is slightly more complicated and again I'm totally open to price negotiations:

Custom built Hex (FCP HL XL from Flyduino). Calibrated and flies Ok, had very few flights in total, as you can see in the pictures:

AQ board, GPS etc
6x: Eprop 11x5, MT2216-11 900Kv (I've brand new similar props, if you need those let me know)
The FCP frame is in a good shape.. Original landing gear is also available with this frame
Additional communication module attached which was also bought from the Flyduino store

What's interesting about this build was the custom designed main plate, everything was designed in a way that all boards (ESC32s and AQ) would just fit into the central board and can accessed/replaced easily.

Let me know if you're interested.
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