This is a good chance of buying new ESC32s and AQ for a bargain...
Detailed items of this custom built that you can very easily un-assemble and use separately:
1 x Autoquad 6 with Digital IMU - all bough assembled.
1 x assembled spacewalk 550 frame (you can easily get rid off this if you don't want it)
4 x Autoquad ESC32
4 x Flyduino X-Motors 2216 900KV
1 x - GPS antenna + GPS shield
Wiring and other accessories as you can see in the pics...
I'd say New/un-used. There was just one maiden flight that lasted few minutes... That's all.
Just moving on. I'm very busy with my PhD and have no time whatsoever for this. The machine has been laying in my cupboard for 2+ years now and I haven't got the time to touch it.
What's needed:
Beside the obvious RC, LiPos..etc You might need to calibrate ESC32s for a better motors/props combo. I used parameters of equivalent motors (T-Motors 900 Kv) but I'm sure this can be further tuned. I bought these items on the promise that I will receive the calibration parameters immediately - oh well, I'm sure they're out there somewhere by now! Contact Jussi

Any questions let me know.
I'm trying to locate the invoices so I can make an estimated selling price, but meanwhile, I welcome any offers!