Bump detection with landing WPs

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Re: Bump detection with landing WPs

Postby LPR » Wed Dec 09, 2015 9:54 pm


I found a easy way to have your AQ copter come down from a few hundred feet of altitude fast and not worry about having your multicopter disarm because of a very aggressive change in horizontal speed and the descent rate.

You can use a Takeoff WP with a negative altitude value and set the rate of descent as high as you think your MR can remain stable at. Then at a hundred feet or less of altitude use a second Takeoff WP with a negative altitude value that's large enough so you will reach the ground and a slow descent rate for a nice landing. Using a landing WP may cause an unwanted motors disarming if you slow from a high rate of descent to a slow rate.

You will need to disarm the motors when landed.

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