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AutoQuad Forum • View topic - Motor glitches with Horyzon cam

Motor glitches with Horyzon cam

AutoQuad AV/AP settings, gimbal & servo choices

Re: Motor glitches with Horyzon cam

Postby CaptainPlanetHD » Fri Nov 09, 2012 11:54 am

i did some furhter tests; i do not know if the horyzon is the problem alone; I made some other logs and the last is most interesting;

when the board is powered ony the flightcontrol with connected bluetooth dongle is powerd. then i switch on the horyzon camera for some time and of again. last i disconnect the bluetooth dongle and then switch off the fc...

you can see that the most noise on the mag log comes from the bluetooth dongle! it is there until i switch it off. when powering and dispowering the cam you can see a shift of the curve but no mor or less noise.
i am wondering, why the aq flew without glitches, when the bt dongle interferes so much and only powering the horyzon causes the glitches while i cannot see any big disturbances coming from it?!

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Re: Motor glitches with Horyzon cam

Postby mr_westie » Sat Nov 10, 2012 8:33 am

A picture of your setup.

What BT are you using?
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Re: Motor glitches with Horyzon cam

Postby CaptainPlanetHD » Sat Nov 10, 2012 9:47 am

I am using the flyduino bluetooth device. http://flyduino.net/Serial-Bluetooth-Ad ... ndroid-App

I am not at home to take a photo but here is a drwaing of the setup:

Yellow - Flightconrtol with gps
red - ESC these are located under the top plate
green - rx
blue - bluetooth
light blue + light red - horyzon cam
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Re: Motor glitches with Horyzon cam

Postby teramax » Sat Nov 10, 2012 10:39 pm

you know what, that reminds me on my last test f(l)ight against the glitches.
I first thought i did nothing on this special flight but now i remember i pluged off the Flyduino BT device.


I was upset obout more glitches than ever, landet (@50 000) rude unpluged all i could find ie. BT, jDiO-board and started up again. Look at the pic and make your own desicion.

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Re: Motor glitches with Horyzon cam

Postby teramax » Sat Nov 10, 2012 10:50 pm

Something else, i had very good flights with BT and some realy bad but i did not always conect to my Android, i remember last bad LOG i flew not connected.
Will test tomorrow if the link signal the BT sends is the bad one.
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Re: Motor glitches with Horyzon cam

Postby Max » Sun Nov 11, 2012 2:17 am

Did some tests with my BT module. It's definitely causing some interference when on, and more so when not connected to a BT host device. The position of the BT module doesn't seem to matter (I moved it around when both on and off and didn't see the mag readings change at all). Screencaps below show it with BT module on (no BT connection), then off (Vin disconnected), then on again, and then with a BT connection established. Mag Z shows the biggest influence, followed by mag X, and mag Y shows no changes. The other sensors don't show any significant change. This board was calibrated (dance) with the BT module on and connected to my phone.

I might try it next with the BT module powered from a separate voltage regulator.

I don't know if this interference is significant enough to affect AQ flight or not. I never noticed it in flight -- heading hold, RTH, etc, were always solid.


BT module on (not connected via BT), then off, then on again, and then with BT connection established.


Last edited by Max on Sun Nov 11, 2012 3:05 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Motor glitches with Horyzon cam

Postby Max » Sun Nov 11, 2012 2:57 am

With voltage regulator powering BT module (ground is common)... Mag Z doesn't show any change now, but X still does a bit and it's visible on Y now a little as well. Same test as before -- BT on, off, on, then connected.

I also updated the graphs in my previous post for better comparisons.




Logs from both tests
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Re: Motor glitches with Horyzon cam

Postby sandmen » Sun Nov 11, 2012 8:46 am

Some time ago,
I have also some trouble with my BT-modul, powered from J3 from aq board.
I have a cheap bluetooth modul, and the flashing from the LED, I can see in my log files :-(
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Re: Motor glitches with Horyzon cam

Postby CaptainPlanetHD » Sun Nov 11, 2012 9:34 am

okay thats somehow quite interesting! maybe we should take this to the wiki, that there can be interference with bluetooth modules!
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Re: Motor glitches with Horyzon cam

Postby Max » Sun Nov 11, 2012 6:22 pm

Yes that pulsing must be the LED flashing, and that's why it smooths out once connected. The question is if that amount of interference is hurting anything?

I didn't realize the BT modules came in varying quality levels... I thought they were all cheap. :) Mine says "JY-MCU" and "BT_BOARD V1.02" on the back (bought it 2nd hand so not sure of the origin).

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