Tuning PID from Log Files?

Thu Apr 02, 2015 11:03 am
by wangyeee
Is it possible to calculate proper PID values from AQ log files other than the methods described on the wiki? If it's not feasible, can I tell from the log how to change the current value, e.g. a too large tilt angle P needs to be reduced?
Re: Tuning PID from Log Files?

Thu Apr 02, 2015 4:50 pm
by LPR
Read the info in the wiki.
http://autoquad.org/wiki/wiki/configuri ... de-tuning/You can increase and decrease the Max Tilt angle many ways but changing just Tilt angle P does not change the Max angle. If you increase the Tilt P and Increase the out Max you can get a larger Tilt angle.
You can increase of decrease your Tilt angle by increasing or decreasing the Pitch and Roll scale factor on the config page in the QGC.
Re: Tuning PID from Log Files?

Fri Apr 10, 2015 4:10 am
by wangyeee
Thx Larry.
But I think I haven't make myself clear. During my tuning process, I found it was difficult to distinguish high/low frequency oscillation. The quad seems to be always oscillating at some frequency. So I want to find some clue from the log file.