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[phpBB Debug] PHP Warning: in file [ROOT]/includes/functions.php on line 4793: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at [ROOT]/includes/functions.php:3916)
AutoQuad Forum • View topic - AQ QGC 1.7 Beta 3 release for Win, OS X, & Linux

AQ QGC 1.7 Beta 3 release for Win, OS X, & Linux

Ground Stations and utilities for Windows, Linux, Android, & others

Re: AQ QGC 1.7 Beta 1 release for Win, OS X, & Linux

Postby afernan » Fri Apr 08, 2016 8:05 pm

Building for Windows 10
I´ve built this version for windows 10, but was not so easy (for me, of course). Basic instructions comes from README.md of the GIT repo of Max (AutoQuad/qgroundcontrol_aq), but I needed some changes.
Anyway, I want to share my findings for anyone who wants to try. Please, see attached pdf file with a step by step.

- used Qt 5.5.1 Designer
- "Visual Studio 2013 Desk" compiler (instead 2010, very difficult to find now)
- Qt Speech, Speech SDK 5.1, Windows Driver Kit v7.1.0

I can share all necessary files thru "Google Drive" if someone has difficults to find installers

Also, in the PDF par.6.2 are described some small updates to be added to "readme.md" file on GIT.

qgroundcontrol_aq COMPILE tips.zip
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Re: AQ QGC 1.7 Beta 1 release for Win, OS X, & Linux

Postby Max » Fri Apr 08, 2016 8:44 pm

Hi Angel,

So the ATL library from WDK7.1 works with MSVC2013? That's good news. For some reason I was under the impression that it didn't. Actually now that I look back, I think I only tried with VC2012.

Thanks for the other tips, good to know how to silence that error. That's coming from a file in the QGC code (or QtSpeech?), or from the MSVC-provided headers? I realize it's hard to tell sometimes. Looks a bit related to the SDK "fixes" for QtSpeech.

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Re: AQ QGC 1.7 Beta 1 release for Win, OS X, & Linux

Postby afernan » Fri Apr 08, 2016 10:45 pm

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Re: AQ QGC 1.7 Beta 1 release for Win, OS X, & Linux

Postby aBUGSworstnightmare » Sat Apr 09, 2016 8:11 am

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Re: AQ QGC 1.7 Beta 1 release for Win, OS X, & Linux

Postby afernan » Sat Apr 09, 2016 6:51 pm

@Joerg, I´m building in "Windows-10 64 bits".

btw, I´m started with my new RP3, but I´m really a newbie on that, so a good tester for your Tutorial to install QGC

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Re: AQ QGC 1.7 Beta 1 release for Win and OS X

Postby Max » Sat Apr 16, 2016 4:29 am

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Re: AQ QGC 1.7 Beta 1 release for Win and OS X

Postby Astudillo » Sat Apr 16, 2016 6:58 am

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Re: AQ QGC 1.7 Beta 3 release for Win, OS X, & Linux

Postby aBUGSworstnightmare » Wed Apr 27, 2016 12:41 pm

Hi Max,

was trying to make the HUD transparent but with no luck; it still uses default colour scheme. Any idea how to draw this window with a transparent background?

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Re: AQ QGC 1.7 Beta 3 release for Win, OS X, & Linux

Postby Max » Wed Apr 27, 2016 1:09 pm

There are a number of techniques for getting transparent windows/widgets in Qt. It really depends on what exactly you want to do, and how the widget draws itself (I seem to remember the HUD draws its own background, but I really don't recall for sure). Searching for "Qt transparent widget" may yield some useful ideas. Keep in mind it will behave differently when docked into the main window vs. free-floating.

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Re: AQ QGC 1.7 Beta 3 release for Win, OS X, & Linux

Postby aBUGSworstnightmare » Wed Apr 27, 2016 1:49 pm

Posts: 1460
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