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AutoQuad Forum • View topic - AQ QGC 1.7 Beta 3 release for Win, OS X, & Linux

AQ QGC 1.7 Beta 3 release for Win, OS X, & Linux

Ground Stations and utilities for Windows, Linux, Android, & others

Re: AQ QGC 1.7 Beta 1 release for Win, OS X, & Linux

Postby aBUGSworstnightmare » Wed Mar 30, 2016 6:46 am

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Re: AQ QGC 1.7 Beta 1 release for Win, OS X, & Linux

Postby JussiH » Wed Mar 30, 2016 7:19 am


You are doing a great job and breaking new ground with this. I am looking forward to trying out QGC on a Raspberry Pi3, and I will for sure appreciate the detailed intructions you are putting together for it - I am not that fluent with Linux.

You asked what screen I would use. I have a professional field monitor installed in my GCS case, it is high brightness and contrast and works fine out in the sunlight. It supports both composite, component and HDMI video, so it should be perfect for what I have in mind without having to resort to LVDS.

Once you have finished the instructions, I will put it in the wiki. Pls remember to provide a folder with the screenshots, so that I can add them in full resolution.

Thanks, looking forward to it! Keep up the good work.
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Re: AQ QGC 1.7 Beta 1 release for Win, OS X, & Linux

Postby pilotnbr1 » Wed Mar 30, 2016 12:22 pm

Thanks for taking the time to put all this together Joerg! For as many times as I have installed QGC on my Ubuntu box I can never remember all the steps and I am sure the same will be true for the rpi :lol: . I'll be coming back and using your writeup alot!

I let it QT build QGC last night- lots of errors relating to one integer in autoquad.h but it built on my rpi 2!

Thanks again!

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Re: AQ QGC 1.7 Beta 1 release for Win, OS X, & Linux

Postby Max » Wed Mar 30, 2016 1:30 pm

Practically every time I have to set up a new build system, it's different from the last time. That goes double for Linux in general, party because there are so many flavors and mostly because things change pretty rapidly. Instructions that worked yesterday probably won't be 100% correct in a month. And yea, by the time I'm done, I sure as hell can't remember all the steps that led there... :lol: Or what actually worked and what was a red herring. QGC in particular is not a simple build setup.

Anyway, besides adding qt5multimedia to the install list and fixing a carriage return and a couple dupes, what else needs to be fixed in the Readme for Linux build instructions?

Or just fork it, fix it, and send me a pull request... anyone can do that right on GitHub. It's certainly much simpler to figure than how to actually build QGC on Linux. :P

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Re: AQ QGC 1.7 Beta 1 release for Win, OS X, & Linux

Postby afernan » Thu Mar 31, 2016 6:25 am

@Joerg, Great job there!.
Could you pls detail what Raspberry model are you using? (I want to start preparing the H/W) . I see several types (like Raspberry Pi 3 Model B SBC, etc) soo I´m not sure.
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Re: AQ QGC 1.7 Beta 1 release for Win, OS X, & Linux

Postby aBUGSworstnightmare » Thu Mar 31, 2016 8:18 am

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Re: AQ QGC 1.7 Beta 1 release for Win, OS X, & Linux

Postby aBUGSworstnightmare » Thu Mar 31, 2016 1:01 pm

errors still remain since there seems to be no rpath tag
Only occurence of 'chrpath' in makefile
chrpath command not found
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Re: AQ QGC 1.7 Beta 1 release for Win, OS X, & Linux

Postby Max » Fri Apr 01, 2016 12:05 am

Joerg, sorry but I don't know what that error means or why you're getting it. I don't recall needing to do anything special to get chrpath installed (but you know how the memory is). But the whole installer script for Linux is brand new (to QGC and myself), so I wouldn't be surprised if there's some issues, especially on different flavors. Yet another thing to track down... Changing the rpath is important though, the final executable won't be truly portable w/out this step.

You should not need to rebuild the whole thing just to run "make install" at the end for testing solutions (it's mostly just copying files around at this stage, not building anything). Also the install step should be runnable from QtCreator as I mentioned before. Perhaps the syntax was wrong... on my Windows setup it's "make release install" to build and install at once, instead of "make all install" like in my Linux screenshot from earlier. It would be good to "fix" that if possible so it works as intended. One can also create a new build type in Creator for only installing, so just "make install" w/out running qmake first.

The advantage of doing everything via Creator is that it ensures the operating environment is set up correctly for the Qt version being used. If there are multiple Qt versions installed (including any the OS itself installed, eg. KDE relies heavily on Qt), building directly from a command line can lead to confusion.

As for quatosTool, same deal... no idea why it doesn't work on your system. Could be a bitness thing or who knows what. You could try building it yourself since you already have all the tools installed. All the latest sources are here: https://github.com/AutoQuad/utilities

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Re: AQ QGC 1.7 Beta 1 release for Win, OS X, & Linux

Postby Max » Fri Apr 01, 2016 12:08 am

One other note (this is now way OT), after changing anything in the Qt project config files (.pri or .pro), be sure to run qmake again to generate the Makefiles. QtCreator -> Build -> Run qmake. QtCreator looks like it automatically processes any changes to the project files right after you save them, but this doesn't actually run qmake or regenerate the Makefiles. This is especially true if you're running "make" from outside Creator -- the Makefiles would never get updated.

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Re: AQ QGC 1.7 Beta 1 release for Win, OS X, & Linux

Postby aBUGSworstnightmare » Fri Apr 01, 2016 6:37 am

Posts: 1460
Joined: Fri Jun 22, 2012 5:24 pm


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