It's open source, so I'm not sure where you saw information on pricing. This page might be better:"Docker containers wrap up a piece of software in a complete filesystem that contains everything it needs to run: code, runtime, system tools, system libraries – anything you can install on a server. This guarantees that it will always run the same, regardless of the environment it is running in."
In this case, the "application" is gcc-arm-none-eabi and make. We leave out the source code since Docker allows you to mount a folder inside the container (--volume "${PWD}:/source" means "make $PWD available at /source in the container").
It's mainly used in infrastructure, so the container you use in development is the same you use for testing on a build server and for running on a completely different server in production. If you've ever used "virtualenv" for python, it's like that but for absolutely any language, and you only run "pip install" once, not once per machine.
For users of the firmware it doesn't do anything. For building of the firmware, it means instructions are much simpler for newcomers and consistent across all machines. Like I've said, no more "go read this tutorial to install $SOFTWARE_STACK for your OS and hope everything works. Oh and if you're on Windows, probably muck around with your PATH and change these variables in the Makefile". Want to get automated builds of aq_flight_control firmware to push to Github Releases or your own site? You're already set up.