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AutoQuad Forum • View topic - Autoquad M4 meets NYLON-quad (RCTimer Spider)

Autoquad M4 meets NYLON-quad (RCTimer Spider)

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Re: Autoquad M4 meets NYLON-quad (RCTimer Spider)

Postby aBUGSworstnightmare » Sun Sep 06, 2015 9:30 am

Back in business!
2x M3x10mm screws + spring lock washers and a carbon pressure plate should hold the prop in place now
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Re: Autoquad M4 meets NYLON-quad (RCTimer Spider)

Postby LPR » Sun Sep 06, 2015 2:13 pm


If you can think of a way to mess up control in a mission I've tried it. Try setting a mission with 50 m/s at a high altitude like 70 meters and then go to PH. With Quatos you will have the quad go as fast as it can while it holds the altitude that's set in your mission. Switching to PH was not a problem, the quad stopped just like it would at a WP in a mission.

For me when using default Nav setting and flying over 8 m/s I always get some overshoot. The strange thing is that a longer mission leg, like a leg over 200 meters, the amount of WP overshoot decreases to almost none depending on the wind.

Oh oh I just thought of another way to crash. Make a mission with a path that is slanted down 45 degrees and see how fast you can get a quad moving and then switch to PH!!!

The one move that would make the big quad flip while in RTH was, just as it's starting to slow for the home point give full throttle up. Increasing Quatos_max_out stopped the flipping.

In manual flight mode I've had the quad descend at 10 m/s and it did not wobble.

It looks like your quad is now ready to find the control limits. Have fun

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Re: Autoquad M4 meets NYLON-quad (RCTimer Spider)

Postby aBUGSworstnightmare » Sun Sep 13, 2015 1:57 pm

Made some adjustments on the parameters and now I'm fine with the result on 4S+T9545. Will now change to CFK 11x3.7@3S.
Here is the latest video, some data from the related log and the parameter set in use:

Latest parameter file as used in the video
(15.02 KiB) Downloaded 1663 times

GPS reception quality was pretty bad! Will have to check what is looks on the CamCruiser (made some flights with that craft too on the same location that day); maybe the GPS antenna connection is bad

Well, vibration level is still high, but judge by yourself. From my POV the flight performance of the craft is quite good

Motor output vs throttle and radio channel 0. O.K. CTRL_FACT_THRO is still off ... but fine for now ;o). Decent control on the CANed ESC32V3 without clipping --> job done!
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Re: Autoquad M4 meets NYLON-quad (RCTimer Spider)

Postby LPR » Sun Sep 13, 2015 6:41 pm


You like speed but no high speed missions. I've done some at 30 m/s. Your quad probably will not go that fast. Quatos holds the altitude and will have your quad go as fast as it can without loosing altitude. I worked for me but I tested it first at 50 m altitude just in case it did not work. My quad only went 88 km/hr.

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Location: MN, USA

Re: Autoquad M4 meets NYLON-quad (RCTimer Spider)

Postby aBUGSworstnightmare » Mon Sep 14, 2015 5:59 am

Hi Larry,
as mentioned in the video: mission parameters still default :oops:
Simply due to the fact that I use this was for 'Stick input only' flying missions :lol:
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Re: Autoquad M4 meets NYLON-quad (RCTimer Spider)

Postby aBUGSworstnightmare » Sat Jan 16, 2016 11:08 am

I've changed the Motors to T-Motor MN2213-12 950kV in the meantime, using the T-Motor 11x3.7in CFK Props.

Here are all the related calibration parameters, thrust measurement values for the motor+prop combinations used on this craft so far.

Motors used:
T-Motor AIRGEAR350 920kV- http://www.rctigermotor.com/html/2014/C ... 0/279.html
T-Motor MN2213-12 950kV - http://www.rctigermotor.com/html/2015/C ... 2/302.html

NOTE: 3DR IRIS 950kV Motor is an un-labeled MN2213-12! Only difference between 'original' T-Motor is the cable length: 10cm on MN2213-12, 40cm on 3DR IRIS.
Comparision pic: MN2213-12 (left) and 3DR IRIS (right). Note different cable lengths

Vergleich MN2213-12_AIR2213.jpg
Thrust comparison chart for AIRGEAR350 and MN2213-12. Props used were T9545 and T-Motor CFK11x3.7in. Click/download chart to see the legend in the upper right corner!

T-Motor AIR2213.zip
ESC32V3 calibration parameters and thrust measurement data for AIRGEAR350 - AIR2213 with T9545 and CFK 11x3.7in
(261.69 KiB) Downloaded 1604 times

T-Motor MN2213-12.zip
ESC32V3 calibration parameters and thrust measurement data for MN2213-12 with T9545 and CFK 11x3.7in
(353.59 KiB) Downloaded 1623 times

Current setup of the Spider: MN2213-12 motors with CFK 11x3.7in props ans Multistar 5200mAh 3S Lipo. AUW for this config is 1.300g

Details shot of the motor

Latest Quatos -XML file visualization for this craft: T-Motor MN2213-12 and Multistar 5200mAh 3S 10C
(31.41 KiB) Downloaded 1664 times

Latest Quatos -XML file for this craft: T-Motor MN2213-12 and Multistar 5200mAh 3S 10C
(18.08 KiB) Downloaded 1683 times

EDIT: Old calculation sheets were missing some data; fixed in new version!
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Re: Autoquad M4 meets NYLON-quad (RCTimer Spider)

Postby brat002 » Sat Jan 16, 2016 2:19 pm

And what is flight time now?
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Re: Autoquad M4 meets NYLON-quad (RCTimer Spider)

Postby aBUGSworstnightmare » Sun Jan 17, 2016 10:08 am

MN2213-12 RPM vs Voltage chart
AIR2213 RPM vs Voltage chart
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Re: Autoquad M4 meets NYLON-quad (RCTimer Spider)

Postby Patnet » Thu Feb 04, 2016 4:36 pm

Hey Joerg, I just moved over to aluminium arms on my dead cat. Vibrations seem to be down to around 2 from 3 or so with the plastic ones. Good advice, thanks.
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Re: Autoquad M4 meets NYLON-quad (RCTimer Spider)

Postby ajchristian » Thu May 18, 2017 2:46 pm

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