by afernan » Tue May 19, 2015 7:07 am
Hi Christoff:
well, you´re the best AQ builder!. Very very nice piece of art!.
Yes, was me the instability problem when RTH. I even had a hard crash repeating the issue. Although the solution was simple (to decrease a lot the NAV PIDs) I was not happy because you penalize also other NAV performances, only to solve the RTH problem.
This happens if you start at a higher altitude than home (either in RTH or in a mission leg), so the first thing done by the machine after activating RTH is to drop drastically in heigh (almost cutting motors to "0"). Then, when trying to recover the stability, the controls get saturated and the divergence overcomes (see plots in my post)
All this was with QUATOS! that, as you know it´s main task is just to control that kinda problems of control saturations. I think this issue is not yet solved and need some re-coding to avoid that situation.