arm diameter is 25mm. This is because vibrations are critical in AQ for hi-quality performances. Maybe you want to read this paper I did about that issue (
The use of a large diameter arm ensures high arm stiffness and so, decoupling from excitation frequencies (propellers rotational speed). Please note that AQ controller can´t use any kind of dampers below the board. It´s mandatory to attachach directly the board to the main body. This is because it uses inertial navigation (control) and it´s super-sensible to body accelerations needed to actitud determination.
I use CATIA for design.
See below my last mount with 30mm tubes (0.5 skin thickness) and pushing props . This conf improves in about 300gr the lifting force and drecrease to almost zero the aerodynamic vibrations generated by the arm-propeller interference. It uses ESC32V3 located inside the tube. All parts are 3D printed (excep tubes) in PLA-carbón loaded fillament
I get 45min with a 5000mA, 4S battery. Vibration levels are < 0.5m/2