I found that bump detection with a landing WPs can be a problem. My 4.5 kg quad can fly over 25 m/s so I have been flying at 20 m/s and seeing good results.
Yesterday I was surprised by seeing all the props stop when the quad was 25 meters above the ground. I was very lucky to have soft ground for the quad to crash in so only two landing gear needed to be replaced.
Looking at the log, now I see that I got over 1.5 g on the Z axis while slowing from 20 m/s.
Having a mission setup to go from 20 m/s to a landing WP is a big problem. From now on I'll always slow the quad down to 5 m/s before using a landing WP. Adding 5 seconds of loiter to the WP before the landing WP would help.
From now on I plan not to use a landing WP no higher than 4 meters above the ground.